Am I too headstrong? ⊂(`・Δ・´)⊃

This is going to be something like an insecurity post. I will be talking about some things to get it off my chest.




I have a friend who heavily relies on ones star sign to determine someones personality and capabilities. She is a Libra and uses the excuse that “Libras are indecisive” to avoid getting put on the spot to make choices and decisions, it seriously annoys me and I always end up telling her off.

Since, I am around her quite often, recently I feel like I am more aware of these things too. It first started off with a little research on the personality associated with my star sign (Leo), now I’m searching up friendship compatibilities. What I found from my research on my star sign has started to make me really self conscious about what I do and what I say. The personality of Leo is someone who is headstrong, has leadership qualities but sometimes to many people can be seen as arrogance. I also found that not a lot of people like people with a Leo star sign.

I also talked to my mother about my personality when I was younger. Apparently, mini me was a bossy one who goes crazy when people don’t listen to her. Also likes everything perfect and expects the best. This made me think about the way I sometimes am currently. These coming weeks will be crazy filled with assessments, exams, and groups tasks. I like to be the type who starts off early because I know there will always be last minute things. But the people I was assigned with for the group tasks seem to be the types who start off late. This isn’t making me very happy. I have started most of the work and have been telling people what to do so we can get something done. But no one has done anything except saying “ok”. One of my mates, who happened to be in one of my groups, said “I will do whatever you say”. I don’t know if it was intentional, but that hit where it hurts. And it was that moment when I realised that I am displaying most of the personalities associated with Leo.

The thing is I don’t like being hated or disliked. I’m fine if people don’t know I exist, but if they genuinely don’t like me…I don’t know.

What do you guys think about this situation? How do I tone down on my bossiness? I tend to not realise what I am doing until later in the day when I have time to think. And when I try not to be too “in your face” I become really quiet and won’t say anything until someone tells me to talk. I can’t seem to get the ‘in-between’.


7 thoughts on “Am I too headstrong? ⊂(`・Δ・´)⊃

  1. You are in a difficult situation with your classmates. Real world will be somewhat different, but not too much. Create a vision and surround yourself with people who share it, that is the way it is supposed to work. Learning to work with instead of compete with is really difficult, but I think you will find it easier outside of school. I always planned on my classmates being behind me. It is a group thing, and one person can lead but they cannot be the group. Are you too bossy? It takes all types of people for society to really work. There will be bossy types, and hard core followers, people who do not want to make any decisions at all. You may be too bossy for this group, but not for another. I will say that a leader with no followers is doing something wrong.
    Thanks for the likes on tjsfun.

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    1. Yes I do think I tend to be a bit too bossy. The thing is I don’t realise it until later in the day. But the main reason I am being the way I am now is because everything I due pretty soon and if we drag it on any longer there will be problems that will be difficult to solve, which we have already encountered. And I also have a whole bunch of exams to study for as well. The people in my group are more stable in their course career-wise while I’m very unstable and have to get really good marks… That’s most likely why I have a stick up my ass most of the time.


      1. I understand that. Just know that everything is temporary and nothing is personal. Do what you have to do. In the real world, outside of school, you will encounter a different set of problems. For me the most pronounced is people who want to take credit for work I do. You issues will likely be different as you are a different sort of person than I am. Hang in there.

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  2. I don’t know that it’s so much you’re headstrong. When I start a project I want to get it down quickly and efficiently and I know what but not necessarily how to get there. If I was Ina group of people I expect everyone to pull their weight and get things done. That’s completely normal l.

    I personally don’t believe in the stars sign thing but if you have leadership abilities there’s not a reason to be insecure with it, embrace it and learn how to be a leader without appearing to be bossy. That’s the trick.

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    1. Thanks for the comment. I am learning to not be too bossy but I tend to not realise what I’m doing until last minute. I think the people I ended up getting grouped with are the type to do everything the night before it is due, which is what I am like, but I can’t afford to do this with the situation I am in now since I am very unstable in my course career-wise whilst they are more on a safe ground.

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