My exams are over… (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

My exams are over and my one month (and a bit) break starts!!!!!

For the past few months I have been fiddling with my blog to try to find out what works for me and what doesn’t. Here’s what I have learnt so far:

1. I have absolutely no self control and will spend the whole day on social media or on the blog when I have exams the next day.

2. Posting whenever I feel like would mean that the blog will be very active for a few days or weeks and then dead for the next few months.

3. There is seriously nothing interesting going on during the semester. I do nothing except tire myself out over my grades.

4. No one is interested in me grumbling over school.

5. I should seriously start to take my studies seriously. I really need to transfer out of Advanced Science.

So to patch things ups, I have decided to:

1. Post during my breaks only. Or write blog posts during the semester breaks.

2. Publish my posts on a set day each week only. (I’m thinking Sunday might work best for me)

3. This blog might as well be about whatever I get up to in the holidays. So any events, travel or just random stuff I do will be posted.

So that’s it. I will be going out and doing stuff like camp during this break and for my next break which is a 1 week mid semester I will be going to South Korea (guys I don’t really know what to do in Korea and all my friend wants to do is shop. Help).

I promise I will change the horrible profile pictures I have now. As soon I get something decent. I have nothing on me and want something which I can somehow censor my face out. Sorry.

See you in my next post!
