Falling Behind (❁°͈▵°͈)

I admit that I am not smart like the people around me assume I am. Yes, I understand things pretty quickly but what I learnt will fly out of my head a few minutes after learning it. There aren’t a lot of things I excel in except procrastinating. That leads me to discover my forte in studying: falling behind.

I’m already two weeks in uni and I’m already struggling with keeping up with studies despite being familiar with all that was taught, since I was taught the content learnt so far during high school. Even though the content is somewhat a revision for me, I wanted to put in the time to memorise the content and put in effort this time. But instead, I am now spending my weekends trying to catch up on two weeks of science and maths homework and tutorial questions. Not fun.

But at least I’m not skipping any of my lectures unlike the certain smart people I know.

(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

Can’t stop procrastinating. I should get off the computer and end this post now.

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