A Message To High School Girls

What I wanted to say to most of the high schoolers


Dear young, high school girl,

I know you probably feel so grown up. All you want to do is look older, be able to nail that contour and smokey eye, and try finding a fake id. But please slow down. Live out your innocence and childhood as long as you can. None of the guys around you right now in high school care about you. They only want one thing from you. I promise. I watched it happen to most of my friends in those four years. I’m blessed to have avoided that type of emotional attachment at that age. Stop partying, stop the drama, stop not caring about your grades and bragging about it. Don’t be an asshole to that nerdy guy, because I guarantee you will be running after him after he is accepted into Detroit Mercy Dental School and that hot guy throwing bush parties right now…

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